Awards & Successes

With the strong commitment to operate the business conforming to applicable standards and services, iRC has been continuously awarded several quality standards such as ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9002, QS 9000, ISO 9001, E-Mark, Mor. Or. Gor. 682/2540 and best quality awards from its customers.

iRC has been paying attention at employees’ welfare and environment in plants and communities, while maintaining the business strategies. As a result, iRC received Outstanding Awards in Labor Relations and Welfare Relations. Additionally, iRC achieved requirements of Thai Corporate Social Responsibility based on legal provisions on labor protection, labor relations and occupational safety, and Health and Environment. Therefore, iRC received the Thai Labor Standard TLS 8001-2003 (Foundation Level) certificate. In relation to the environmental situation, iRC responded to the government policy on energy saving, by enhancing an awareness of energy conservation among its employees. Thus, iRC received the Energy Saving Awards from the Ministry of Energy, and recently received the Environmental Management System ISO 14001 Certification. The details of iRC’s other awards and achievements are shown below:

Appreciation Grade A Cybersecurity BCP from TCC

Taskforce for TCC Environment Activity from TCC

2023 TCC Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Instructor for AGV/ AMR

GM Supplier Quality Excellence Award 2023

คุณภาพยอดเยี่ยม สมาคมส่งเสริมคุณภาพแห่งประเทศไทย

2022 Local Overall Outstanding Performance

รางวัล Golden Award ในงาน Thailand Quality Prize 2023

Safety Riding Awards 2022 จากงาน All Honda Thai Supplier Meeting

"โรงงานต้นแบบ BCG Model" จากกรมโรงงานอุตสาหกรรม

"Gold Level Award" from QCC presentation at International Convention on Quality Control Circles (ICQCC) No. 48 at Beijing, China

“Excellent Award” from the QCC/KAIZEN presentation at INOAC QC-KAIZEN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION

“Bronze Level for 1st Consecutive year” from Zero Accident campaign 2023

SET ESG Rating at “A-Level”

NACC integrity Awards No.11

“Sustainability Disclosure Recognition” 2023 from Thaipat Institute

Sustainability Disclosure Acknowledgment award 2021

Best Quality Award 2021 from Thai Yamaha

Automation Award 2021

IT Award 2021

NACC Integrity Awards No.10

3Rs Award

Zero Waste to Landfill Achievement Awards

Thailand Sustainability Investment 2022 (THSI)

Eco Factory+ Social Value certification

ASEAN Regional Supplier Quality Award Finalist 2022

Sustainability Disclosure Recognition 2022

Wangnoi Factory: Green Industry Level 4: Green Culture

Sustainability Disclosure Acknowledgment award 2020

 3Rs Award 2020

Rangsit Facory: Green Industry Level 4: Green Culture

Automation Award from Inoac Corpoaration

General Motors Supplier Quality Excellence Award 2020

Thailand Sustainability Investment 2021 (THSI)

SET Awards 2021 as the Rising Star in the group of Sustainability Excellence

Thailand Corporate Excellence Award 2021 in major of Corporate Management Excellence

Factory Improvement Award from INOAC

NACC Integrity Awards 2019, Office of the Nations Anti-Corruption Commission

The Best of Quality Award 2019, THAI SUZUKI MOTOR

Bronze Level, 2020 Zero Accident Campaign, Ministry of Labour

Certificate for co-operation on a project to increase combustion efficiency of boilers for energy conservation and PM 2.5 dust reduction of factories in Bangkok Metropolitan Region, the Department of Industrial Works


Supplier Quality Excellence Award 2019, General Motors (Thailand) Ltd.

Environmental Award 2019 from Thai Honda Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Thailand Sustainability Investment 2020 (THSI)

Gold Award 2020 from the sustainable energy and environmental management under the "GSEE" standard

Certified as a member of the Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action against Corruption (CAC)

Certificate of ESG100 2020

Certificate of Presentation - Team Fueng Fah, INTERNATIONAL QUALITY & PRODUCTIVITY CONVENTION 2018


Automation Award Certficate from Inoac

New Business Development Award from Inoac

Cost Award 2018 from Stanley

Supporting Supplier Award from Suzuki

The Best In Quality from Isuzu

Certificate of ESG100 Company 2019

“Thailand Vision Zero Achievement Award Level 2” from Safety and health at work promotion association (Thailand)

1st Place QCC Kaizen Thailand competition 2019 from INOAC

Nissan Regional Supplier Quality Award Finalist 2019


Supplier Quality Excellence Award 2018

Excellence Award

Reduce Greenhouse Gas Certification

Gold Award “ICQCC 2019”

Best Presentation Team Award “APQO International Awards 2019”

Thailand Sustainability Investment 2019 (THSI)

Toyota "Quality Performance"

INOAC "Automation Award" 2017

ROKI Delivery 2017 Best Award

Quality Achievement 2017

Cost Award 2017

2017FY Supplier Evaluation Score from Isuzu Engine Manufacturing Co., (Thailand) Ltd.

Certificate of ESG100 Company 2018

Thailand Energy Awards 2018

Outstanding Establishment on Skill Development of 2018 Award

Excellent QC Group from QC Thailand Exhibition 2018 - Fueng Fah Group

Excellent QC Group from QC Thailand Exhibition 2018 - Khon-Buang-Laung Group

THSI 2018

Gold Award, International Convention on Quality Control Circles 2018 (ICQCC 2018)

Green Industry Level 3 (Green System)

Automation Award 2016

The Best Long-Term Partnership Award, Thai Suzuki Motor Co.,Ltd.

The Excellent Performance Reward from Kawasaki Motors Enterprise (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Excellent QC Group from QC Thailand Exhibition

Cost Award 2016

Exceptional Effort in Quality Improvement from Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) Co.,Ltd.

2016FY Supplier Evaluation Score from Isuzu Engine Manufacturing Co., (Thailand) Ltd.

ESG 100: 2017

Good Environmental Governance 2017 by Ministry of Industry

ICQCC 2017

QCC Kaizen Thailand 2017

The 35th TCC QCC Activity 2017

THSI 2017

SET Rising Star Sustainability Awards 2017

Certificate of ESG100 Company 2016

TLS 8001-2010 Certificate at Basic Level by the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, The Ministry of Labour

Silver Level, 1st year 2016 Zero Accident Campaign, Ministry of Labour

Certificate of Success, 3rd PLACE WINNER QCC Kaizen Thailand Competition 2016

Certificate of Completion, 2015 TCC Safety Activity Target and achieving audit (Level A)

3rd Runner Up (Leader Group) for Toyota Production System (TPS) Activity 2016

GM Supplier Quality Excellent Award from General Motors

Certificate of Completion, 2016 TCC Safety Activity Target and achieving audit (Level A)

ESG 100: 2016

The Best QD Award of Thailand Showa Supplier Meeting 2015

The Best Quality Performance Award FY. 2015 from Thai Kaito. Co., Ltd.

Green Industry

Supplier Quality Excellence 2014 Award from General Motors (Thailand) Limited

2014 TCC QA Improvement Activity as a Working Group Leader from Toyota Co-Operation Club

Winner Prize of Toyota Co-Operation Club The 32nd TCC-QCC Contest 2014

Winner Prize of Thai Hino Co-Operation Club The 28th QCC Contest Activity 2014

Delivery Award for the year 2013/2014 at Quality, Cost and Delivery from Thai Honda Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Zero Accident Award for 3 million hours without a lost time injury in IRCT Rangsit Site, from the Ministry of Labor

Outstanding Award for Labor Relations and Welfare of the year 2014 (for 4 consecutive years) from the Ministry of Labor

Honorable Trophy for Establishment Model of Patumthani from participating in Integrated Management on Promoting Occupational Safety and Disease Prevention for Employees in the establishment project

Certificate CCC Mark (China Compulsory Certification) in Motorcycle Tires and Tubes manufacturing from the Republic of China

Certificate of Accreditation Laboratory ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 from Thai Industrial Standards Institute from Ministry of Industry to IRC (Asia) Research Limited, Rangsit site

Certification ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO/TS16949 : 2009 for Industrial Elastomer Division from Bureau Veritas

Certificate from the Ministry of Interior for Sponsoring the first project of Encouraging Motorcycle Taxi Volunteers to Decrease Accidents in the Community

Trophy for Supporting and Participating in Community Waste Management for Sustainable Development in the community from Rangsit City Municipality

Certificate of Industrial Establishment in line with Environmental Governance from the Ministry of Industry Thailand

Certificate of Green Industry Level 2: Green Activities from the Ministry of Industry Thailand

Champion Trophy of QCC Kaizen Southeast Asia Competition 2012 from Inoac (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Champion Trophy of QCC Kaizen Southeast Asia Competition 2012 from Inoac (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Outstanding award for Establishment on Occupational Safety, Health and Environment from the Prime Minister

Award for Establishment of Regular Participation in Blood Donation from Ayutthaya Red Cross Society

Certification ISO 9001: 2008 from Bureau Veritas

J.I.T. Service Parts Performance Award from Toyota Motor Asia Pacific Engineering & Manufacturing Co., LTD.

Silver Award from Hino Motors Manufacturing (Thailand) Ltd.

Bronze Award for Excellent Cooperation in Year 2011 from Siam Kubota Industry Co., Ltd.

Champion Trophy of QCC Kaizen Southeast Asia Competition 2011 from Inoac (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Silver Trophy for Zero Accident Campaign of the year 2011 from the Ministry of Labor

Honorable Certificate – Consolidation Prize for Occupational Safety, Health and Working Environment Administration and Protection at Provincial Level from the Ministry of Labor

Outstanding Trophy for Establishment of Labor Relations and Welfare for the year 2011 from Department of Labor Protection and Welfare, the Ministry of Labor

Honorable Certificate in Completed the Initial Stage of Participating in TLS: 8001-2010 for Labor Welfare Project, from the Ministry of Labor

Bronze Award for Excellent Cooperation for the Year 2011 from Siam Kubota Industry Co., Ltd.

Award for Safety Activity Target and Passed the Audit in Level A from Toyota Co-Operation Club

The first Thai Motorcycle Tires and Tubes manufacturer that manufacture the products with European-standard’s; non-PAH Motorcycle Tires and Tubes

Award for Advance Toyota Jishuken Activity 2010 from Toyota Co-Operation Club

Trophy of TPS TOP Management Seminar Activity Model Line 2010 from Toyota Co-Operation Club

Trophy of TPS Activity 2010 (TPS Leader Group 1-16) from Toyota Production System

Delivery Award 2010 from Honda Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Runner-up Trophy of Outstanding Performance Supplier in Delivery (Group D) from Toyota Motor Asia Pacific Engineering & Manufacturing Co., LTD.

Certificate of Participation in the Life Cycle Inventory Database – Life Cycle Assessment (LCI – LCA) Project from the Department of Industrial Works

Trophy for sponsoring the 23rd World Skills Thailand 2013 from the Skill Development Provision Committee

Trophy for Platinum Level of Smoke Free Enterprise from the Association for the Development of Environmental Quality

Excellent Enterprise Award for Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Workplace, from Department of Labor Protection and Welfare, the Ministry of Labor

Certificate of Outstanding Establishment on Labor Relations and Welfare from the Ministry of Labor

Zero Accident Bronze Award for 1.7 million hours without a lost time injury during July 13th 2009 – April 3rd 2010, from the Ministry of Labor

Zero Accident Bronze Award of the Zero-Accident Campaign 2010 for 2.9 million hours without a lost time injury, from the Ministry of Labor

Champion Trophy of QCC Kaizen Southeast Asia Competition 2010 from Inoac (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and received Excellent Award for the World Competition in Japan on November 6th 2010

Trophy of HRD Activity 2009 Outstanding Improvement from Toyota Co-Operation Club

Trophy of TPS Activity 2009 (TPS Leader Group 1-16) from Toyota Production System

Certificate of Safety Activity 2009 Level B, from Toyota Co-Operation Club

Zero Accident Campaign Award for 1.2 million hours without a lost time injury during April 18th 2008 – August 15rd 2008, from Pathumthani Provincial Office of Labor Protection and Welfare

Zero Accident Bronze Award of the Zero-Accident Campaign 2009 for 2.9 million hours without a lost time injury, from the Ministry of Labor

Delivery Development Award from Siam Kubota Corporation Co., Ltd

Delivery Award 2009 from Honda Automobiles (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Trophy of Best Award 2009 Quality, Cost, Delivery from TOYO ROKI (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Certificate of Industrial Establishment in line with Environmental Governance from the Ministry of Industry Thailand

Certificate of Industrial Establishment in line with Total Energy management for improve of Energy using for Industry Version 7 “Total Energy Management: TEM 7”

Award of Appreciation (in recognition and appreciation of year 2008 outstanding suppliers) from Honda Access Asia and Oceania Company Ltd.

Mould & Die Best Practice Factory Award 2008 for the Industrial Mould Development Project, from the Ministry of Industry Thailand

Quality Target Successful 2008 Award from Thai Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.

The 4th QA Improvement Activity 2008 Group Volunteer Award from Hino Motors Manufacturing (Thailand) Ltd.

QCC Presentation of the year 2008 (3rd Runner - Up of Group C) Award from MMC Tools (Thailand) Co., Ltd

3 QA Improvement Activity Award (Group Volunteer Winner) from Hino Motors Manufacturing (Thailand) Ltd.

Inoac Best Partner Prize from Inoac Japan Co., Ltd.

Zero Accident Campaign Award for 3.0 million hours without a lost time injury during February 15th 2008 – October 15th, 2008, from Aytthaya Provincial Office of Labor Protection and Welfare

Zero Accident Campaign Award for 1.0 million hours without a lost time injury on July 25th, 2008 and continue to reach 3.0 million hours without a lost time injury, from Pathumthani Provincial Office of Labor Protection and Welfare

Silver Certificate of TCC’s Safety Activity 2007 and the First Runner Up Award of TPS Activity Group Sup Leader from Toyota Co-Operation Club

Certificate of Environmental Management Standards ISO 14001 for the rubber parts production facilities in Ayutthaya province

Certificate of the Thai Labor Foundation Standards from the Ministry of Labor

Trophy of Cooperation and Sponsorship the 21st World Skills Thailand at Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre

Daikin Quality Award for Supplier Excellence Root Cause Analysis and Best Quality Improvement Activities from Daikin Industries (Thailand) Ltd.

Energy Conservation Award 2005 in category of controlled plant – manufacturing, chemical industry unit, from the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, the ministry of Energy

Outstanding Practice Awards in Labor Relations and Outstanding Practice Awards in Labor Welfare

Certificate QS 9000 standards for Rubber Parts Industry

Certificate Mor. Or. Gor. Standards 682/2540 for Tire Industry

Certificate ISO 9002 for Rubber Parts Manufacture in Ayutthaya

Certificate ISO 9002 for Motorcycle Tire and Tube